
About Team Fusion

Team Fusion was formed in 1999 at Gulfport High School in South Mississippi. One of our main focuses is participating in yearly FRC events with the goal of reaching finals in the Worlds Championship. But it's more than that! We also aim to promote STEM in our community and build better leaders for our future!

Team Organization

Team Fusion is composed of three sub-teams (Robot, Business, & Construction). Each subteam has a lead, or multiple leads, that all work together to manage their respective sub-teams. These Leads report to the Team Captain, who works to ensure every part of the team is doing what they are supposed to do. Then, these Leads and the Team Captain all report to their respective mentors or our Lead Mentor, Mr. Brawley. All of these individual groups combine their unique talents to work towards the larger goal of the team.

Team Organization

Joining Fusion

Team Fusion is always looking for something in new members: those eager to learn and work together to reach a common goal. It doesn't matter if you are an upcoming freshman or a junior. Everyone willing to put forth the effort and time is welcome on Team Fusion.

Joining Fusion


Team Fusion has been a huge force in our local community. Our goal is to inspire future generations to go into the STEM field through showing off our robots and volunteering at local events. We also aim to have a strong social media presence to show our local community, as well as non-local communities, what we're about!



Team Fusion believes having a clear and identifiable brand is important when it comes to showing what you do to the world. Here, we have our official logos and brand designs for reference!
