
2021 Season

Team Fusion consists of three sub-teams (Robot, Business, & Construction). Each of these sub-teams is broken up into different branches. All of these groups combine their unique talents to work towards a larger goal.

Team Captain

Their job is to look over each of the sub-teams and ensure they are functioning as they should. They are also responsible for keeping up with general team organization, and should aim to keep the team morale high!


Their job is to manage their respective sub-teams, ensuring that people are working and staying on task, answering sub-team related questions, and teaching new people skills and information related to that sub-team.

Safety Captain

Their job is to remind people to stay safe and take the proper safety precautions (such as wearing safety glasses and hearing protection) when working, and ensuring they do. They also keep track of and record any safety incidents that occur.


Robot is split into three branches: Mechanical (which builds the structure and mechanisms for the robot), Electrical (which wires and attaches electrical components to the robot), and Programming (which programs the robot function how we want it to).


Business is split into three branches: Chairmen's (which writes essays and makes a video to submit for awards), General Media (which manages our social media and photographs & creates videos for the team), and Website (which manages our team website).


Construction only has one branch: Construction! They primarily build the field for the Competition Season. They are also responsible for any independent projects that involve woodworking, such as creating shelves for our workspace or tables for charities.