When does the robotics team typically meet?
-We usually meet at set days each week depending on what part of the team you are on (e.g. Robot may meet on Wednesday's while Business may meet on Tuesday's). These meeting days will be communicated clearly when they are decided on at the start of every Offseason. During Build Season, we meet Monday's, Tuesday's, and Thursday's, from 3:35-8:30pm (with time for homework and to eat), and on Saturday's from 12-6pm (with time to eat). The schedule is subject to change as time goes on, and any changes will be communicated clearly if they are made.
How could I benefit from joining Team Fusion?
-Every subteam offers different experiences for its members. Some subteams may provide you with clarity on what you want to pursue in college. Others may hone your public speaking skills. All subteams have a positive effect on its members' confidence levels and provide them with experience working in a team.
How will I afford it?
-The costs for our team members vary from year to year depending on how many sponsors we have. Every member is given an opportunity to fundraise any travel costs that a student may have. Some of the fundraisers we did in 2019-2020 were selling chocolate, pork butts, gourmet popcorn, and pizza coupons. We also have opportunities for team members to fundraise by working at community events.
Will I be too busy with school?
-There is a mandatory hour long homework and studying period after school before our robotics meetings begin. Team Fusion understands that school is a priority for students and parents so we make sure to give members time to stay on track with school work. Furthermore, team members tutor each other if anyone is struggling in a course. Members of Team Fusion encourage each other to excel not only in robotics, but also in their school work.
Do I need any background knowledge?
-As Papa John once said, "Hire for attitude, train for aptitude." All we ask of our new members is for them to have a good attitude and want to learn! The purpose of the subteam meetings during the school year pre-build season is to train new members with what they need to know for the 6 week robot build period. There is no background experience or knowledge required to join our team!
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