
Team Fusion

Team Fusion 364, a team built around people coming together to help strive towards a common goal. We strive to benefit youth in the STEM field and help communities in need.


Arkansas Regional

The FRC Arkansas Rock City Regional is an in-season competition that takes place 2 weeks after the end of the traditional build season. Roughly 60 teams are compete for awards and titles that could allow them to go to the World Championships...

Bayou Regional

The FRC Bayou Regional is an in-season competition that takes place 4 weeks after the end of the traditional build season. Roughly 60 teams compete for awards and titles that could allow them to go to the World Championships...

World Championship

The FRC Championship event is a place for the top performing robotics teams across the world to compete to be a part of the winning alliance. This 4 day event is held in April at Houston, TX and Detroit, MI. Team Fusion attends the event in Houston at the George R. Brown convention center. The Wo...


Ankle Breaker







Stay Safe!


February 24, 2021

As I’m sure many of you have already heard, all FIRST competitions have been cancelled for the time being due to the spread of the coronavirus, meaning that our 2020 season ends here. It’s been an interesting season and we are disappointed we won’t be able to see it through, but we’re so thankful for the support from our sponsors and of course all of you! We’ll still be working hard, but for now, stay safe and have a good day!



Final Touches!!

Build Season 2020

February 18, 2020


Week 6 was definitely tough, but it went pretty well! Mechanical is making some good progress on the Practice and Competition bots, the SWAT Bot was temporarily completed (@ghs_samsungsolve on Instagram), and the Every Bot is finished! Business is working on the Chairman’s video and presentations and Construction is helping other sub teams. Overall, a productive week, and we look forward to finishing things up before competition!


Almost There!!

Build Season 2020

February 10, 2020

Week 5 went well! Mechanical and Programming’s work on the Everybot, Practice Bot, and SWAT Bot (@ghs_samsungsolveon Instagram) is going great, Construction is completely done with the field and is helping other sub teams, and Business is doing awesome work on the Chairman’s video, their presentations, and the soon to be updated website! Overall a great week and we’re ready for Week 6! 

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